Every human body needs macro and micronutrients in order to life healthy and promote growth.1 Macronutrients are the nutrients your body needs in larger amounts, namely carbohydrates, protein, and fat.2 They provide important energy, measured in Calories, to keep us growing and function normally. Micronutrients are the nutrients that are needed in smaller quantities, mainly minerals and vitamins, in order to help our body to be healthy and digest those macronutrients.3
Carbohydrates, a macronutrient, comes either in the form of starch, sugar or fibre. They can be found in fruits, grains and vegetables and are an important source of energy.4 Read more here about the role of sugar in sport nutrition.
Proteins are made up of amino acids and function as hormones, enzymes, and an antibody in the immune system. Unlike carbs, proteins don’t serve as a direct source of energy, but work like building blocks for other structures in the body. The nutritional value of a protein is measured by the quantity of essential amino acids that it contains, which varies depending on the food source.5
The distinction between saturated and unsaturated fats is important because your body only needs the latter.6 Unsaturated fats regulate metabolism, maintain the elasticity of cell membranes, improve blood flow, and promote cell growth and regeneration.7
The micronutrients vitamin and minerals are essential for a healthy boy. Not only are micronutrients crucial for nearly every process in your body, they can also act as antioxidants. In the right quantity, they protect your body against disease and deficiencies.8
Both, macro and micronutrients, can be found in all lecka products and we aim to use natural ingredients that provide those in the most efficient way.
1: (Aug, 2017). ‘What makes up a healthy balanced diet?’ Retrieved from MacMillan Cancer Support.
2: (Nd). ‘Nutrition basics’. Retrieved from Washington State University. Accessed 13 June 2019.
3: (Nd). ‘Nutrition basics’. Retrieved from Washington State University. Accessed 13 June 2019.
4: Satrazemis, E. (Jan, 2017). ‘Macro and micronutrients’. Retrieved from Trifecta.
5: 20 (Nd). ‘Proteins’. Retrieved from Better Health. Accessed 14 June 2019.
6: Runtastic Team. (Nov, 2018). ‘What are macronutrients? Everything you need to know’. Retrieved from Runtastic.
7: Runtastic Team. (Nov, 2018). ‘What are macronutrients? Everything you need to know’. Retrieved from Runtastic.
8: Streit, L. (Sep, 2018). ‘Micronutrients: Types, functions, benefits, and more’. Retrieved from Healthline.